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CafePress has an ongoing commitment to achieving the highest levels of satisfaction for all aspects of our customer’s online experiences on our Website (as defined by our Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to, our User Agreement and Privacy Statement). In the furtherance of our commitment, CafePress provides a quality experience at its Website,, to visitors with disabilities at a level equal to that provided to visitors without disability.

Our goal is to permit customers to successfully gather information and conduct business through our website and other technology platforms. CafePress has taken steps and is devoting resources to promote accessibility. To assist in achieving the accessibility goals, CafePress has committed to the Website being designed, developed, and operated in substantial conformance with generally-recognized and accepted guidelines and/or standards for website accessibility (the “Standards”). While these Standards may change and/or evolve over time, they are currently the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and 2.1 at Levels A, AA, and AAA (collectively referred to as “WCAG 2”).

We have engaged outside vendors and consultants for this purpose enhancing our user experience in compliance with the Standards. Furthermore, our Website will continue to be assessed on a recurring basis from both an engineering and user-experience perspective.

CafePress on Website Accessibility

Policy Statement:

This policy is a living document that will change overtime as technology and Standards change. Ample opportunities for education and communication will occur whenever changes to the policy take place.

CafePress commits to ensuring equal access to its Website. Our commitment is embodied in the following principles:

  • We use web page designs that are consistent with the Standards. The goal for CafePress is to be reasonably compliant with WCAG 2.0 AA taking into consideration an evaluation of cost and benefit to our customers.
  • We disseminate electronic documents and multimedia on web pages that are consistent with this policy.


  • Official web pages and associated web-based applications. This policy does not apply to third-party provided web content or applications.

Web Page Requirements:

  • All new and revised web pages and Website templates published on or after the effective date of this policy will reasonably comply with the Standards taking into consideration the costs and the benefits of compliance for our customers.
  • On a periodic basis, CafePress will review its Website for compliance with this policy.


Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If you have difficulty accessing features or functions on this Website, please call 1-833-322-0199 or email us at during regular business hours and we will work with you to provide the information you seek.

Effective Date: April 1, 2019


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